Thursday, March 27, 2003
posted 3/27/2003 08:36:00 PM
Ok, it seems that 6 months between blog posts is about the best anyone can hope for from me. In spite of my past performance, I'm going to shoot for weekly posts for a while...
This week has been a long one and hasn't felt productive, although I've actually been having a good week. Over the weekend, some pals visited town and we spent most of the weekend out of doors in downtown Augusta and on the Riverwalk. Tuesday night I finally got to meet a chat buddy who lives in Columbia - who knew there was anyone out there who enjoys finding bloopers in movies even more than I do? At the office, I've gotten to give presentations to fellow ASU staff members, ASU faculty, and a few classes. I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend with a couple shifts at the store, but I would have liked to been able to accept a gracious invitation to Macon's Cherry Blossom Festival street dance Saturday night. I've been watching some of the war coverage on CNN and BBC-America from time to time since it started just over a week ago. I've never been a fan of this war, but it has started and there is no going back now. I couldn't imagine what made all the news folks really believe and report that the whole thing would be fairly quick and easy. Even the military spokespeople I saw speaking after just a few days expressed disappointment that the regime leaders would not just give up and turn on Saddam. Ok, I'm not a military analyst, but doesn't that seem impossible? If they don't ALL do it at once, then someone will rat out those who do plan on giving up and the coward/infidel/loser traitors would be executed pretty freaking quickly.... right? Anyway... enough for my armchair war planning...
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