Tim.B.log - original
Tim Bond's weblog.
Thursday, April 10, 2003  
posted 4/10/2003 10:47:00 PM
Worked at the store tonight. I didn't remember it was my 11th anniversary with the company until some random guest stopped me to tell me that I must be new since she had never seen me before. I explained that I am the only person left at the store who was there when we opened in April 1992, but she insisted I must only work back in the back. Since I had work to do and arguing would do no good, I let it go and, after making sure she knew about our "Tiggerific" specials, I finished what I was working on. Now that I think about it, she said she'd never seen a guy working there before, and Joey walked out during our chat and I pointed out he had been there a few years himself.

This week has been one of the coldest/wettest weeks for the golf tournament that I've ever witnessed in my 20 years in Augusta. While the golf club has had to close the gates and postpone events some days, it has been a boon for our store. Normally, this week leaves our store pretty low in sales since so many locals go out of town (we do sell tons of park tickets in the weeks prior, but we are only a selling agent for attractions so none of that adds to sales), but the lousy, damp, cold days have driven the out-of-town folks into the mall this year. So far, our store has been on top of our district every day this week, as a matter of fact. Naturally, that means that next year we'll be up against some big "LY" (Last Year) figures.

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